To the officers, committee members, and members of
Liberty Lodge,
I want to thank you for the honor you have bestowed upon me and
for the confidence you have placed in me by allowing me to be the
Master of Liberty Lodge. I will do everything within my power to
live up to that confidence.
I want to congratulate and thank all of the officers who will be
serving this year. I believe, with their help and support, we will
have a great year.
I will strive to be the best Master I can possibly be. I will also
strive to be the kind of Master the members of this Lodge expect.
Thank you for being a part of Masonry and together we can enjoy
the fellowship and brotherhood Masonry stand for. All I ask is that
you come to Lodge and support our efforts.
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Broaddus Masonic Lodge #1112 AF & AM.
808 FM 2558, Broaddus TX
Grand Lodge of Texas AF&AM
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